10 RanasEXPERTS bring behaviour change into health care facilities and schools

As part of the Hands4Health project, ten RanasEXPERTS have successfully completed the first two years of their four-year training programme.

Participants from four countries – Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria and Palestine – have intensively worked on the theory of the RANAS approach in online workshops. Their newly aquired knowledge is being directly practiced and implemented in the Hands4Health projetc. The RanasEXPERTS learn how to develop a RANAS campaign adapted to their country to promote handwashing with soap in health care facilities and schools.

We look forward to the next two years of collaboration with the growing network of RanasEXPERTS!


Read more about the Hands4Health project in the latest Newsletter in English or French.


Previous News about the Hands4Health project



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