Interested in understanding the mode of operation of CLTS?

Interested in understanding the mode of operation of CLTS?

The final report of a project analyzing CLTS using the RANAS approach is now out. The project was funded by BMGF. Two cross sectional studies in Cambodia and Mozambique (see News June 8, 2018) and one big field experiment with 3’120 households in northern Ghana were conducted. The following questions were addressed in this study:

  • How do CLTS participants perceive different activities of the CLTS triggering event?

  • Which factors of the CLTS implementation process are most predictive for a community’s latrine coverage?

  • Does CLTS successfully provoke latrine construction and stop open defecation (compared to a control group)?

  • What are the mechanisms that lead CLTS to success in terms of psychological determinants and potential moderating factors?

  • Can CLTS be improved by being combined with evidence-based, behavior change strategies based on the RANAS-model of behavior change?

  • Which characteristics of communities describe the best preconditions for CLTS to be effective in stopping open defecation?

Full report:

Determining the effectiveness and mode of operation of Community-Led total Sanitation: The DEMO-CLTS study

Presentation about the main results:

What are the Psycho-Social Mechanisms of CLTS for Latrine Ownership? How Can CLTS be improved? Results of a Cluster-randomized Controlled Trial in Ghana

Presentation: Implementation factors enhancing the effectiveness of CLTS on latrine coverage in communities of rural Ghana



Interested in understanding the mode of operation of CLTS?

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