In 2022, our evaluation of a medica mondiale and medica Liberia programme in Sinoe, Liberia showed impressively how sexual and gender-based violence (S/GBV) can be prevented and how successful services for S/GBV survivors can look like. The evaluation along the OECD DAC (Organisation for Economic Collaboration and Development, Development Assistance Committee) criteria identified the programme’s scores in terms of impact, effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, coherence and sustainability. This allowed to draw lessons learned, for example, that establishing and working along community-based structures increased the impact and sustainability of the project. This is because local capacity-building and localized offers of services are made possible this way. Based on the findings, recommendations were elaborated to guide future programming. For example, strengthening the existing monitoring and evaluation capabilities serves to better represent and display the programme’s successes, which in turn can facilitate fundraising. As a result of the evaluation process, the goals for further work have been set to strengthen certain aspects, like advocacy efforts and collaboration with governmental and non-governmental structures.
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