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Solid Waste Management Publications

Mertenat, A., Velásquz, L., Slekiene, J., Stocco, L., Kouamé, A. M., Kouamé, P., Zurbrügg, C. (2024). What drives or hinders people to segregate waste? Answers from Abidjan. Sandec News 25, 8-9. Eawag: Dübendorf.

Slekiene, J., Swan, N. & Kalina, M. Absorbent hygiene products disposal behaviour in informal settlements: identifying determinants and underlying mechanisms in Durban, South Africa. BMC Public Health 24, 912 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12889-024-18396-y

Stocco, L., Nguyen, T. H. T., Slekiene, J., Zurbrügg, C. (2023). Waste segregation in Vietnam: What factors influence household behaviour? Sandec News 24, 10-11. Eawag: Dübendorf.

Tobias, R., Bruegger, A., Mosler, H.-J. (2009). Developing strategies for waste reduction by means of tailored interventions in Santiago de Cuba. Environment & Behavior, 41, 836–865.

Mosler, H.-J., Tamas, A., Tobias, R., Caballero Rodríguez, T., Guzmán Miranda, O. (2008). Deriving interventions on the basis of factors influencing behavioral intentions for waste recycling, composting, and reuse in Cuba. Environment & Behavior, 40(4), 522–544.

Binder, C., Mosler, H.-J. (2007). Waste-resource flows of short-lived goods in Santiago de Cuba. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 51, 265–283.

Mosler, H.-J., Drescher, S., Zurbrügg, C., Caballero Rodríguez, T., Guzmán Miranda, O. (2006). Formulating Waste Management Strategies Based on Waste Management Practices of Households in Santiago de Cuba. Habitat International, 30(4), 849–862.

Caballero Rodríguez, T., Guzmán Miranda, O., Mosler, H.-J. (2005). Diagnóstico de los comportamientos hacia los residuos sólidos en la población santiaguera. Revista Santiago, enero-abril, p. 33–47.

Caballero Rodríguez, T., Guzmán Miranda, O., Mosler, H.-J. (2005). Fundamentos ecológicos y socio psicológicos de los comportamientos ante los residuos sólidos. Revista Santiago, septiembre-diciembre, p. 67–82.

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